3 min readJan 16, 2021


perfect piece of art!

For the past many days I was thinking about what to cater to my beloved reader and then I realized that I am Lacking of content (MY ethnicity was gone away!!) but Suddenly my instinct Asked me to present my views on 1984 by George Orwell.

It is a marvelous piece of art that represents the era of industrialism in western countries. At the time when world war 2 was at a sheer and behind the curtain of nationalism whole communities and societies were brainwashed insisting to think only what the protagonist was sought to listen to. and in the sack of nationalism, the creation of thought crime, thought police, thought espionage was quite astonishing. But the way the narrator declares the nation’s pride to the child who rolls out and tells the ministry of love that their parents were thought criminal was a very epic idea. The idea of newspeak was very outbursting while I was reading the rule and how it was being evolutionized I was on the edge of sit. the concept of the telescreen was also outstanding as it is hard to believe to design such a detailed tool and impregnate and even more making the story more honed.

In the first place, the golden lines

the war is peace.

freedom is slavery.

ignorance is strength.

was not discernable. But when you truly blend in the book and follow the trend you would also reach the point that the writer speeched it obviously.

If we talk about the storyline, Every scene pelted so smoothly and in too much detail that, while reading it you would fall into that parallel world. The scenario when Winston and Julia first met and then the description of strings of the secret dates whether it was at the outskirts of the London or the old church bell tower how they mingle into each other with proper taking care of not being caught was epic. Samely the description of that antique shop consisting of the paintings, bedroom, NO TELESCREEN was also flattering. the story illustrated the scenario of both Winston and Julia got caught while having sex was also interesting though very numb.

The later phase of the story was also well woven as how Winston got convinced that big brother and the party is eternal they ruled the country and they are the ultimate truth through the four-stage process. in the end it seems that Winston is born out as a quite new character.

ALL in all, it was a very pro-level book out of appetite for an average nonnative reader like me though you would definitely stick from the very first page to the very last page.






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